Fixed-Line Operators
We can help fixed-line operators add value to home broadband solutions & mobile solutions.Typically operators deliver a broadband service to a residential gateway, which forms the link between the home network and the internet with opportunities to sell additional products, services. All media programs are more easily accessible if controlled from a smartphone or tablet. The basic installation and the ongoing service are charged for, but once the service provider has the customer there are opportunities to sell additional products and services:
- A range of connected consumer electronic products for the home network. Want a new internet radio for your kitchen? Buy it from your service provider, then it is guaranteed to work!
- Movies and TV programs, sporting events, available on pay-per-view or on monthly subscription
- Music, news and other “radio” programs, may be available on subscription or free to subscribers of other packages
If the operator wishes to sell products he must ensure that these are compliant with UPnP/DLNA/Samsung Link standards. If he is delivering services, his customers must have devices on the home network which are capable of receiving them. And in addition provider can broaden his target market by making these services available to mobile devices connected to the home network.
Smartphone or Tablet controll of home devices

- Select content on Internet Server (Channel)
- Find phone, tablet
- Choose content
- Playback to device, TV, wireless speakers, etc.
- Dolby Digital Plus Surround Sound for Digital Entertainment
Arkuda’s Media Network Solution is the right development environment to enable reliable UPnP/DLNA/Samsung Link compatibility of networked devices.
We have market proven media streaming apps – ArkMC, MCPlayer, MyAudioStream with 2M+ installs and 500K+ active users, built on top on Arkuda Media Network Solution
Mobile Operators
Like the fixed-line service providers, the mobile operators want to deliver more media to the smartphone/tablet with no extra charge via wireless media streaming apps/solutions. The more media customer wants to watch or listen to, the more data he needs to pay for.If you phone has a really cool app which includes a great music service, wouldn’t you want to listen to it right now on your phone, but also on your Hi-Fi when you get home? Your friend just emailed you a link to a really cool video clip – looks great on the big TV at home. Whether the application is intended to be a revenue generator, or simply a cool feature to win new customers and reduce churn, mobile operator’s needs their own-branded applications bundled with smartphones and tablets. And to satisfy the widest range of customers, these need the flexibility to control and interface with home devices.
Stream media to different devices

- Open app
- Choose any media (movie, music, video or photo) you need on your phone
- Find & select TV or Hi-Fi etc.
- Stream and playback content on TV, Hi-Fi etc.
As on the fixed-line page, Arkuda’s MyAudioStream (audio) or MCPlayer (video) apps can be easily customized with a service provider’s logo and special features to provide an exciting mobile experience.
Contact Arkuda Digital to discuss how our experience can help you!
Available for download:
Arkuda Solution for Telco industry presentation 2016