The competitive environment faced by STB and Home Gateway manufacturers and marketing brands demands state of the art products, to meet the high expectations of operators, installers and end users.
End users are now used to controlling interactive media devices on a daily basis, so the expectation of having a high-end multimedia experience on TVs and STBs is growing all the time.
In order to satisfy these expectations, STBs need to offer interactive services, including media sharing, control from mobile devices and app to control media devices.
Connect home media devices in network to stream, share, playback videos from any storage to any screen

IPTV, VOD, adaptive streaming

Stream different TV channels to different screens in home network

Arkuda STB solution helps:- sharing media in home environment and daily control of interactive devices
- watch different channels on different screens
- control all channels with your mobile device
- add extra features like YouTube, internet radio, home media sharing
- Share TV channels with all UPnP/DLNA/Samsung Link compatible devices such as 2nd TV, PC, tablet or laptop
- Enjoy different TV channels on different screens at the same time
- Watch all your TV content via internet when you are out your home network, anywhere in the world vBrowse, select and playback any media content stored on your servers – via internet, anywhere in the world
- Browse and select YouTube videos on your mobile media network app (ArkMC), and playback on TV, Share YouTube content/channels/videos
- Playback internet radio via your TV audio system
- Use any server in your home network, as PVR to record your favourite movies
- Use the mobile app (ArkMC) as a remote control for your TV and browse through your media files or navigate the internet
- HLS Adaptive Streaming available
- DTCP-IP support available
- Multitasking media sharing
Available for download:
STB, Home gateway solution presentation 2016